Sales terms and conditions

Sales terms and conditions
de vente



Article 1 : Scope

These terms and conditions (hereinafter referred to as " CGV ") are intended to define the terms of implementation by KRIBI TERMINAL CONTAINERS which is the authorized dealer of a port terminal (hereinafter the " Service Provider ») de toutes opérations ou prestations de services qui concernent le chargement, le déchargement, la manutention, la réception, le contrôle, la livraison sur moyen d’évacuation des marchandises, le dépôt, le transport dans la zone portuaire ou d’autres activités connexes, and in particular as a warehouseman or stevedore, (hereinafter" service delivered ") And govern its contractual relationship with the beneficiary of the Benefit.


These Terms may be modified without restriction or qualification or supplemented by special conditions. No special conditions or other general conditions emanating from the Customer may, unless expressly agreed by the Service Provider, prevail over these Terms and Conditions.

By contracting with the Service Provider, the Customer accepts, without any reservation, the present conditions which govern all of their contractual relations.


Article 2 : Definitions

To better understand these GTCS, the following definitions apply:

" Carrier » : l’émetteur des connaissements relatifs aux Marchandises, qu’il soit armateur propriétaire du navire, armateur gérant du navire ou affréteur du navire.

" Captain » :the natural person controlling the ship.

" Client» :the party who contracts with the Service Provider, all of its agents and Service representatives, regardless of the quality in which the latter is brought to perform the Service. This may be without limitation and without distinction of the shipper of the goods, the consignee of the cargo, the maritime carrier or his agent, the forwarder ...

" Goods » :means the cargo of the ship, whether in the form of products, materials, equipment in container, conventional or bulk form, regardless of weight, size or volume.

" Party " or " Parties ": the Provider and / or the Customer.

" Terminal ": all the facilities and equipment of the Provider.

Article 3 : Pricing

Prices are calculated based on the information provided by the Customer, specially taking into account the Services to be rendered, the nature, weight and volume of the Goods entrusted and the pricing, laws and regulations in force. Prices may be modified or suspended at any time by any public authority. If the price is changed after being delivered to the Customer, the new price will be immediately applicable under the same conditions. It would be the same in case of any unforeseen event, resulting in particular from the modification of one of the elements of the service or the normal conditions of exploitation or execution. The prices do not include the duties, taxes, fees and taxes due under any regulation including tax or customs (such as excise, entry fees ...) or other incidental costs. Prices are available from the Service Provider in the form of a pricing list.

Article 4 : Bill payment

Invoices issued by the Service Provider are payable in cash when the Goods are withdrawn by the Customer, without discount, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties. The Customer is always responsible for their settlement.

Leur paiement est exigible quel que soit le sort de la Marchandise. Les règlements effectués par le Client sont en priorité imputés sur la partie non privilégiée des créances. L’imputation ou la compensation unilatérale par le Client du montant des dommages et/ou pertes alléguées sur le prix des Prestations dues est interdite. Le prix des Prestations doit être payé comptant même en cas de réclamation du Client. Tout retard dans le retrait des Marchandises entraîne de plein droit l’exigibilité d’intérêts de retard à un taux égal à trois fois et demi le taux d’intérêt légal en vigueur par jour de retard jusqu’au jour du retrait, sans préjudice de la réparation éventuelle de tout autre dommage pouvant résulter de ce retard.

Article 5: Packaging of Goods and Customer Instruction

5.1. Packaging

The goods must be packaged, marked or countermarked, so as to support transportation and / or a storage operation performed under normal conditions, as well as the successive handling operations that necessarily occur during the course of these operations. The Goods shall not constitute a cause of danger to the driving or handling personnel, the environment, the safety of the transport units, other goods transported or stored, vehicles whether they are land, sea or air, or any other person. In case the Customer entrusts to the Provider Goods breaching the aforementioned provisions, they will be handled at the risk of the Client and under discharge of any liability of the Provider.

5.2. Duty of disclosure

Le Client doit donner en temps utile les instructions et les informations nécessaires et précises au Prestataire pour l’exécution des Prestations. Le Client répond de toutes les conséquences d’une absence, d’une insuffisance ou d’une défectuosité du conditionnement, de l’emballage, du marquage ou de l’étiquetage, ainsi que d’un manquement à l’obligation d’information et de déclaration sur la nature et toutes les particularités, notamment nombre, poids, état, dangerosité, précautions spéciales pour la manutention, température de maintien, etc. des Marchandises. Le Client supporte seul les conséquences, quelles qu’elles soient, résultant de déclarations ou documents erronés, incomplets, inapplicables, ou fournis tardivement. Le Client s’engage expressément à ce que les Marchandises ne soient pas illicites ou prohibées.  Le Prestataire n’est pas tenu de vérifier les documents et les informations fournis par le Client.

Article 6 : Customer’s Duties

In case of loss, or damage suffered by the Goods during carriage by sea, or in case of delay, it is the Customer's responsibility to proceed with the Carrier or his representative, or with the shipper of the Goods, to regular and sufficient findings, to take reasoned reservations and in general to perform all acts relevant to the maintenance of remedies and to confirm those reservations in the form and within the time-limits prescribed by law. If the aforementioned diligences are not carried out by the Customer, no action in liability may be exercised against the Service Provider and / or his substitutes. The Customer warrants that the containers designated for export are all marked "gross mass verified" in accordance with applicable law.

Article 7: Goods Insurance

Le Client qui couvre lui-même les risques de transport doit préciser à ses assureurs qu’ils ne pourront prétendre exercer de recours contre Ie Prestataire, que dans les limites précisées à l’article 9 ci-après.  Un certificat d’assurance sera émis par le Client sur demande du Prestataire.

Article 8: Stay and Removal of Goods

Jusqu’à l’enlèvement des Marchandises par le réceptionnaire, et dans la limite du délai légal de sept (07) jours à l’import et six (06) à l’export, le Prestataire les gardiennera avec une diligence ordinaire. Pour les conteneurs frigorifiques, le Prestataire est dégagé de toute responsabilité pour les avaries occasionnées par suite de chute de tension, rupture de courant électrique ou tout autre incident dans l’alimentation électrique survenant entre la date de déchargement et la date d’enlèvement du conteneur par le Client. A l’issue de ces délais, et si les Marchandises ne sont pas enlevées par qui de droit ou si aucune instruction de livraison n’est communiquée par le Client et acceptée par le Prestataire, des frais de stationnement seront appliquées. Le montant des frais est indiqué dans la grille tarifaire disponible auprès du Prestataire. De surcroit, à l’issue d’un délai de quinze (15) jours à compter de leur accès au Terminal, les Marchandises seront d’office constituées en dépôt de douanes aux frais du Client et à ses seuls risques et périls. En cas de refus des Marchandises par le Client, comme en cas de défaillance de ce dernier pour quelque cause que ce soit, tous les frais initiaux et supplémentaires dus et engagés pour le compte de la Marchandise resteront à la charge du Client. Conteneurs frigorifiques abandonnés : le Client doit veiller à ce que la livraison de tous les conteneurs frigorifiques déchargés sur le terminal ait lieu dans les 90 jours suivant le déchargement. Tout conteneur frigorifique de plus de 90 jours après le déchargement sera réputé abandonné et le client devra évacuer le conteneur immédiatement. Tous les frais relatifs à ce conteneur seront payés immédiatement par le Client. Si le Client ne parvient pas à évacuer le conteneur réfrigéré après 90 jours, le Prestataire se réserve le droit d’évacuer le conteneur pour le compte du Client (le Client autorise le terminal à évacuer le conteneur en son nom). Tous les coûts accumulés au cours de l’évacuation, y compris le coût de la destruction de la cargaison seront remboursés par le Client.

Article 9 : Liability

The Service Provider performs its duties in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations as defined in Article 14. The Provider is liable only for damages and / or losses that are the direct consequence of his proven fault and provided that specific and motivated reserves were taken in the legal deadlines and that the damage and / or losses were found contradictorily. In a case where the liability of the Service Provider is engaged, it would be strictly limited in the following terms, whatever the nature of the damages and / or losses:

9.1. Liability because of substituted

The liability of the Service Provider in case of fault of his substitutes is limited to that incurred by his substitutes in the context of the operation entrusted to him. When the indemnification limits of intermediaries or substitutes are not known or are not the result of mandatory or legal provisions, they are deemed identical to those of the Service Provider, as set out in Article 9.2.

9.2. Liability for his own personal deeds

The liability of the Provider sought for his personal deed is limited in the following terms:

9.2.1. Losses and damage of Goods

For losses and damages of goods, attributable to the Service Provided by the Provider and for all consequences that may result, the liability of the Provider is strictly limited to 1,845 FCFA (one thousand eight hundred and forty-five CFA francs) per kilogram of gross weight of Goods lost or damaged, or CFAF 613,785 (six hundred and thirteen thousand, seven hundred and eighty-five CFA francs) per package or unit, whichever is the higher. The liability of the Service Provider will be excluded because of the harmful consequences caused by the Customer or any party entitled to the shipment, the defect specific to the Goods or the inadequacy of its packaging.

For losses and damages of goods, attributable to the Service Provided by the Provider and for all consequences that may result, the liability of the Provider is strictly limited to 1,845 FCFA (one thousand eight hundred and forty-five CFA francs) per kilogram of gross weight of Goods lost or damaged, or CFAF 613,785 (six hundred and thirteen thousand, seven hundred and eighty-five CFA francs) per package or unit, whichever is the higher. The liability of the Service Provider will be excluded because of the harmful consequences caused by the Customer or any party entitled to the shipment, the defect specific to the Goods or the inadequacy of its packaging.

For all other damages and in particular those caused by a delay in the performance of Service, the liability of the Service Provider is limited to the price of the Service in question with a maximum of 5,234,858 FCFA (five million two hundred and thirty-four thousand, eight hundred and fifty-eight francs CFA). The liability of the Service Provider, whatever the quality in which it intervened, cannot be sought for the damages resulting from the delay of carrying out the Service, whatever it is, only on the condition that a mandatory date of performance of the Service has been expressly requested by the Client and accepted by the Service Provider.

9.3. Intangible damage

The Service Provider and the Customer shall each be responsible for the consequences of any direct or indirect immaterial damage that they may incur in the performance of their obligations under the Services, regardless of who performs the immaterial damages. As a result, the Parties and their respective insurers waive to any recourse for such immaterial damages.

9.5. Compensation Limits Share

Lorsque des dommages subis par les Marchandises et/ou le matériel mis à disposition par le Client ou par des tiers, donnent lieu à plusieurs réclamations, la responsabilité du Prestataire est limitée à la somme totale de 45.805.011 FCFA (quarante-cinq millions huit cent cinq mille onze francs CFA) quel que soit le nombre de parties lésées.

9.5. Concours de limites d’indemnisation

Les limites d’indemnisation énoncées par le présent article ne font pas obstacle à l’application de dispositions légales ou règlementaires plus favorables au Prestataire. Dans le cadre de prestations d’acconage ou de manutention, les limites d’indemnisation énoncées par le présent article ne font pas non plus obstacle à l’application des limites d’indemnité prévues par le connaissement qui seraient plus favorables au Prestataire.

Article 10: Conventional Warranty

The Customer expressly acknowledges the right of the Service Provider to refrain from performing any services (in part or in full) on his behalf, because of the claims (invoices, interest, costs incurred, etc.) that the Provider holds against him, even before or outside the operations carried out with regard to the goods already in his hands or those which are intended to pass in his hands.

Article 11: Security

Nonobstant toute stipulation contraire, le Prestataire peut mettre en œuvre à tout moment toute action visant à préserver la sécurité des biens et personnes ou l’intégrité du Terminal, ou à garantir l’exécution de ses obligations légales ou réglementaires, y compris toute action ayant pour conséquence un ajustement ou une interruption du service fourni au Client, sous réserve d’un traitement non discriminatoire des utilisateurs du Terminal, dans le respect des dispositions légales et réglementaires en vigueur. Le Prestataire peut notamment notifier au Client, par tout moyen, des instructions opérationnelles, que le Client s’engage à respecter et le cas échéant à faire respecter par le Transporteur et le Capitaine. En de telles circonstances, le Client ne peut prétendre à aucune indemnisation de la part du Prestataire ou de ses assureurs pour les conséquences d’une réduction ou d’une interruption des déchargements ou des émissions en sortie du Terminal.

Article 12: Exclusion of Liability and Force Majeure

The liability of the Service Provider shall in any case be excluded in case of force majeure which are defined as any event not handled by the Provider, unpredictable and insurmountable, such as the events below. This list being only enumerative and non-limiting: natural disaster, earthquake, volcanic eruption, typhoon, fire, explosions and floods, dangerous climatic or nautical conditions, riots, declared or undeclared war, civil unrest, acts of terrorism or sabotage, looting, theft, requisition, destruction by order of governments or any other public authorities, embargos, epidemic, handling workers’ strike, any work stoppage in the ports and transport companies subcontractors or not, made of a public authority, loss of administrative authorizations necessary for the operation of the Terminal (building permit, authorization to exploit), proclamations, prohibitions, prohibitions to import, export, or transit goods, consequences of laws, regulations, circulars and all other administrative acts emanating from a public authority. The occurrence of a Force Majeure event does not relieve the Client of paying obligations. The Contract will be suspended for the duration of this event. If the duration of a case of Force Majeure should exceed two (2) months from the day the Service Provider becomes aware of the event, the Contract may be terminated by the Service Provider without notice or compensation.

Article 13: Prescription

All actions to which the Contract between the Parties may generate shall be prescribed within a period of two years from the date on which the Contract was executed.

Article 14: Cancellation - Invalidity

In case any provision of these terms and conditions is declared void or deemed unwritten, all other provisions remain applicable.

Article 15: Applicable Law - Assignment of Jurisdiction

Any dispute or dispute between the Parties relating to the existence, validity, interpretation and performance of these shall be subject to the law of the registered office of the Provider and shall be brought before the Court of the registered office of the Provider, which shall be exclusively competent to know, even in case of plurality of defendants or calls in warranty.
