International Women's Day: KCT HONORS ITS FEMALE STAFF.

The top management offered a meal at the end of the parade of the 34th edition of the International Women's Day which was celebrated this Friday in Kribi in the chief town of the Ocean Department. The Managing Director Daniel LALLEMAND surrounded by his main collaborators, reiterated to his collaborators the respect of her commitments vis-à-vis their rights and parity men-women.

This morning's parade is the culmination of a week of rich activities that began with a sports march last Saturday in the arteries of the city of Kribi and last Wednesday by the presentation of donations to the women and minors of the main prison of Kribi and participation in a round table on "Women and the digital society". The work of KCT's female staff that top management congratulated.


Kribi Terminal Containers has actively participated in the 7th edition of the Yaoundé SME and Partnership International Trade Fair from February 16 to 24, 2019.

Le terminal à conteneurs de Kribi se trouvait au pavillon Port de KRIBI aux côtés du Port Autonome de Kribi(PAK) et de Kribi polyvalent Multiple Operators ( KPMO). Au menu, des échanges B2B et des communications thématiques sur le projet d’attractivité industrielle du port de Kribi auxquels la délégation conduite par le Directeur Général Adjoint, Philemon MENDO a animé tout au long de l’événement.
